We decided to go surf this morning....normal for us....except we had about a 10km walk, cos NO we dont have a car...so cool, lets do this, we'l hike despite our warnings from the locals that people dont get picked up hiking, we thought we'd press on and start walking....20mins of nothing, so we started walking back, but stil hiching, then someone stopped to pick us up, PERFECT! we got to the beach, had a bit of warm water fun, then....THEN....hiked back........AN HOUR OF HIKING, and a motherless far distance still to go later, a kind elderly coupled decided to pick us up....tooo stoked! that walk = not cool!!
On the plus side, we did do some insanely budget shopping at the locals Coles store and scored some delicious deals to whet out taste buds and keep us going on those loooooong walks, cuase that definitly wasnt the last time..especially with this week coming ;)
Pik cutting the early morning butter
Jerry-bag, again, opting for the warm water flip
keep the pics comming looks like you guys are having fun.