- K53 driving- PASS
- 3 DAYS - WA
I also thought I'd give you a taste of what K53 driving is like:
Approaching robot to turn left:
foot off accelerator, rear-view-mirror, left hand blind spot, indicate left. Rear-view-mirror, break slowly. ten metres before stopping, put clutch in. Come to a complete stop. Handbrake up, put car in neutral, feet off the pedals. Wait for the other traffic lights crossing your path to go orange. When orange-put clutch in and select first gear. Get clutch control without using the accelerator. When robot is green-put down the handbrake, check rear-view-mirror, check the traffic on the right if it is safe to go through the robot. Check your left hand blind spot then steer. Dont cross ur hands and don't change gears until you have turned the corner completely....Times that by 20 mins and then you should have your drivers.
On a lighter note I dug into my old photo archives-not too deep and found to barel shots at two different right hand wedges. Both shot by Damon Crawford. enjoy.
Epic post bro!