Thursday, May 21, 2009

2 weeks

So basically Jerry, Pik and myself have 2 weeks until we cruise over to Oz....we're all pretty amped to say the least and expecting big things.......

This Blog is gona be our documentation of our trip from start to finish and then some, especially for all you creeps checking us out..haha..

Hopefully this will tickle your taste buds as we'l try keep putting up new shots of waves and random meanderings through the wonderful continent of Australasia and the definite trouble we're bound to get up to

....aaaaaaah the things we do to keep you entertained......

saying hello to the Transkie

1 comment:

  1. Read your first ever post Pik.
    Last 2 lines are gold.

    'dont wanna be another sorry statistic that follows the world'

    Love it man.
